Sunday, April 15, 2007


As you can see I have started to add links to other people's blogs. Given my interest in adoption, it turns out that all the blogs I have added so far are written by people who have a connection to the adoption community. It's kind of funny when I check out who they have listed in their blog list and then find so many more "adoption blogs". I could spend hours reading blogs! I know many of you who come here are part of the adoption community too. If you check out the blogs listed you will find several birthmother's blogs, a few blogs by adoptive mothers and even a blog by the ever elusive birthfather and so far one by a reunited adoptee. I don't intend my blog to be an "adoption blog" as I will include all kinds of topics however I am sure that there will be many posts about the open adoption that I am involved in and about adoption in general.

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